Tuesday, October 12, 2010

tonight's baking

While visiting my parents this afternoon, I mentioned making applesauce from all the apples we've picked.  My Dad mentioned having an applesauce cake with maple glaze on it while on one of his many visits to FL with Mom.  My Mom then showed me some great ghost shaped baking dishes she bought and offered them to me.  You guessed it..off to the kitchen I went.  I came home and made some delicious applesauce.  After dinner when it was cool I attempted a basic applesauce cake recipe and baked them in the ghost pans and covered them with maple glaze.  Here's the result.  They are very moist but I think I am going to tweek the spices to bring out the flavor a little more.  Enjoy the pics.  It's time for me to crash for the night!
     ~Tracie :)

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